The biggest photography event of the year is happening right now! Every year my friends Griffin, Valerie and Adam over at 5DayDeal release what I personally consider to the best and most exciting photography related sale of the year. They've spent months putting...
Martin Bailey
Namibia Full Circle Tour 2015 Travelogue Part 2 (Podcast 487)
This is part two of a series of travelogue style episodes to walk you through my recent visit to Namibia, co-hosting an amazing photography tour with my friend Jeremy Woodhouse. We pick up the trail on the morning of August 13, as we return to the abandoned diamond...
Namibia Full Circle Tour 2015 Travelogue Part 1 (Podcast 486)
From August 10 to 26, 2015, I joined my friend Jeremy Woodhouse in Namibia to co-host a tour with ten wonderful participants. We had a amazing time, and from today for the next few weeks, I'm going to walk you through the trip via a selection of photographs from each...
Paul Griffiths’ Photography Live and Uncut #60 (Podcast 485)
While I'm traveling in Namibia, here is a video interview that Paul Griffiths did with me a few weeks ago for his Photography: Live and Uncut show. We discuss my recent adventure with medium format film processing, the incredible resolution of the 5Ds R, and why I...
Breathing Color Pura Bagasse Fine Art Paper Review (Podcast 484)
Last week I got my hands on a roll each of two new types of fine art paper from my friends at Breathing Color, Pura Bagasse Smooth and Pura Bagasse Textured, so today we're going to take a look at these excellent new offerings. First off, one of the most exciting...
Astropad Graphics Tablet iPad App Review (Podcast 483)
Today we take a look at an amazing new app for the iPad called Astropad Graphics Tablet, which coupled with a stylus like the Adonit Jot Touch, essentially turns your iPad into a powerful, professional graphics tablet. Astropad is still a relatively new app as of...
Gura Gear Bataflae 18L Camera Backpack Review (Podcast 482)
This week we take a look at the Gura Gear Bataflae 18L Camera Backpack, and how I've configured mine for my landscape, cultural and wildlife photography tour in Namibia. Watch the video below for details, but in summary, Gura Gear's Bataflae series of camera backpacks...
Shigakougen Blue-Green Landscape Travelogue (Podcast 481)
I recently visited the Shigakougen or Shiga Highlands in Nagano here in Japan, as part of my trip to test the Canon EOS 5Ds R, and one of my main goals was to capture the blue-green summer foliage, so today we're going to walk through three separate shoots on June 22,...
Snow-less Monkeys – A Summer Visit Travelogue (Podcast 480)
A few weeks ago, I took my new Canon EOS 5Ds R over to the Monkey Park at Jigokudani, where we photograph the Snow Monkeys for the first three days on my Winter Wonderland Tours. This though was the first time I've visited during the summer, so the now Snow-less...
Scanning Medium Format 120 Film (Podcast 479)
This is part 4 of our Film Fun series, in which I walk you through scanning medium format 120 film into the computer. The podcast released for this episode is just an iPhone optimized low-resolution version of the full-sized video, which will enable you to view during...
Canon EOS 5Ds R Digital SLR Camera Review (Podcast 478)
Following up on my first impressions, this is my full Canon EOS 5Ds R Digital SLR Camera Review. Since my first review I've spend three more days in the field, shooting a total of 2,300 frames with the camera and completed a bunch of tests in my studio, and I'm ready...
The Ultimate Digital Photography Bundle!
Photography Bundles are becoming popular, and for good reason. They are generally rich with hand-picked products from professional, world-renowned photographers who are experts in teaching others, and the Ultimate Digital Photography Bundle is no exception. From...