Oded Wagenstein is an accomplished Israeli photographer and regular contributor to the Israeli edition of National Geographic Traveler magazine, and he's just joined the Craft & Vision fold with his new book, The Visual Storyteller, which is an excellent...
Martin Bailey
Metering in Manual Exposure Mode (Podcast 392)
Following on from our Why Expose to the Right (ETTR) episode a few months ago, I received a question from listener Christopher Pearson, asking how I meter in Manual mode, so today, I'm going to explain my techniques for metering in manual mode. First of all, I want to...
All About Neutral Density Filters (Podcast 391)
Having been asked many times about the Neutral Density filters that I use for my long exposure images, today I'm going to explain what Neutral Density filters are, which one's I use, and how I use them, along with some ways to easily calculate your new shutter speeds,...
Iceland 2013 Tour Travelogue Part 4 (Podcast 390)
This week we conclude the four part series of travelogue episodes to cover my first tour in Iceland a month ago, from August 25 to September 5, 2013. Iceland definitely didn't disappoint, with beautiful light and incredible scenery, and we had a great group to travel...
Iceland 2013 Tour Travelogue Part 3 (Podcast 389)
We're still in Iceland this week, with the third part of a travelogue series to cover my first tour there a few weeks ago, from August 25 to September 5, 2013. We had an amazing time, with beautiful light and beautiful scenery, and a great group to travel with. It was...
Iceland 2013 Tour Travelogue Part 2 (Podcast 388)
Back in Iceland this week, with the second part of a travelogue series to cover my first tour there a few weeks ago, from August 25 to September 5, 2013. We had an amazing time, with beautiful light and beautiful scenery, and a great group to travel with. It turned...
Iceland 2013 Tour Travelogue Part 1 (Podcast 387)
From August 25 to September 5, 2013, I ran my first Iceland Photography Tour with Tim Vollmer. From today for a few weeks, I'm going to walk you through the tour with the aid of photographs selected from my final edit, which is 50 images. It was a tight edit as usual,...
My Data Backup Strategy – An Exercise in Paranoia (Podcast 386)
Today I'm going to walk you through my data backup strategies at home and in the field. This is in response to a listener question from someone that heard me talking about this briefly on This Week in Photo. I should precede this with the disclaimer that I'm perhaps a...
Creating Moving Wildlife Photographs – an interview with Martin Bailey (Podcast 385)
Hi folks! By the time I release this, I'll be starting my Iceland tour with Tim Vollmer and 14 passionate photographers. It doesn't get much better than this! Anyway, while I'm away, I wanted to share a recent interview that fellow TWiP co-host Darlene...
Fine Art Print Border Scripts for Print Preparation (Podcast 384)
It's sometimes necessary to create prints on media sizes different to that of the final print. For example, you might need to print an 11 x 17" print but only have 13 x 19" media. Or you might use a large format printer and roll media, and don't want to foot the cost...
Going Pro Update – Three Years In! (Podcast 383)
It's just coming up to three years since I incorporated Martin Bailey Photography K.K. so today I update you on how things are going, what adjustments I've made to my business model, how things are shaping up, and a little bit about how I see us proceeding over the...
Craft & VIsion PHOTOGRAPH Issue 4 Out Now!
Craft & Vision have just released issue 4 of PHOTOGRAPH - A Digital Quarterly Magazine for Creative Photographers! Issue 4 is packed with incredible portfolios and Q+As—this time from Nick Hall, Kathy Beal, and Sam Krisch. And there are great columns by our...