
Delighted with My Photos!

I have started to go through all my pictures and have been really delighted with the results. As the tour name states, it really was the Complete Namibia Tour. The Himba really were a highlight. It was an excellent tour with a great group of people. Thoroughly...

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Namibia is Extremely Photogenic

I have been on enough photo’ tours with Martin to know that the organisation, accommodation, and photography will be amongst the best available.  But this was to be my first visit to the African Continent since I had lived and worked in Kenya several decades ago and...

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Namibia is an Austerely Beautiful Country

I participated in the 2017 version of this tour and have to say it was magnificent. Wonderful landscapes, fabulous wildlife, and a great group of photographers from around the world. Martin is an exceptional leader/teacher and our local guides were thrilled to share...

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Beyond My Expectations

I participated in the 2018 Namibia tour with Martin Bailey and it was beyond my expectations in many respects. Namibia is an extremely photogenic country that is only just being discovered and the tour covered landscape, portrait, cultural and wildlife photography. We...

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What an amazing trip!

What an amazing trip. Beautiful scenery, wonderful traveling companions, and Martin’s expertise there for the asking. We all came away with images that would have been impossible to get without the experience and thought that went into planning this tour. I can’t...

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You really inspired me during the trip!

As one of the participants of the 2018 Namibia Tour and after looking over your first blog of that trip this morning I wanted to comment immediately, while the tears are still fresh in my eyes. I guess I would describe them as tears of joy or maybe gratitude. Only...

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Just a few lines cannot do justice

Writing a few lines about the "Complete Namibia Tour & Workshop" of May/June 2022, I cannot do justice to the incredible experience it has been for me. It nearly did not happen due to COVID, and I feel fortunate to have been a part of it. Your choice of itinerary...

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