After three months of running at full speed, last week I needed a rest. Not being one for just sitting down and doing nothing, I changed gears and gave myself a week to make some background music for a video I'd put together to show some of the large format prints...
fine art print
Rolling Fine Art Prints for Shipping (Podcast 425)
I'm often asked how I package fine art prints for shipping to customers, so I've prepared a short video showing the process, and we're going to expand on that a little today in today's Podcast. I'm also going to be giving away the print that you'll see in the video,...
Fine Art Print Border Scripts for Print Preparation (Podcast 384)
It's sometimes necessary to create prints on media sizes different to that of the final print. For example, you might need to print an 11 x 17" print but only have 13 x 19" media. Or you might use a large format printer and roll media, and don't want to foot the cost...
Q&A #8 – MBP Fine Art Print Options Explained (Podcast 117)
Back in Episode 102 I answered one of two questions I’d received from a listener named Julian Seidenberg. Today I’m going to answer the second question, which was really a request for information about the papers and various options available for my prints, which you...
Appreciating Hard Copies (Podcast 63)
Nothing gives me more pleasure, apart from the actual shooting of photographs, than to print out and hold a good quality print. With computers and digital cameras getting cheaper by the year, and software to support our digital workflows getting better and easier to...