Announcing the Capture One Pro license giveaway winner and a sneak peak at Photographer’s Friend 3.5, including Mac OS X and Apple Watch extensions!
Why Switch from JPEG to Raw? (Podcast 427)
When you first get started in digital photography, it's much easier to just leave your camera in JPEG shooting mode. Sooner or later though, most people decide that it's time to switch to raw, and once we switch, we usually wish we'd switched much sooner. Today we're...
Craft & Vision 2 – Another Great Free eBook!
Craft & Vision have just released their second totally free ebook, Craft & Vision 2! If you are already a reader, you'll already know the value of these incredible photography resources. If you haven't yet read anything from C&V, here's your chance to find...
“Fine Art Print” Lightroom Slideshow Template
For many years I've used a black background for my Lightroom slideshow, and I still will sometimes, but recently, as I held a freshly printed photograph on Breathing Color's Optica One fine art paper, I thought, wouldn't it be cool if I could emulate a matted fine art...
The Great Gura Gear Giveaway! (Podcast 365)
Following episode 358 when I walked you through the Gura Gear 32L Bataflae camera backpack, today I'm really happy to tell you that with the help of Gura Gear, we are giving away three great prizes, including the Bataflae backpack of your choice, and a selection of Et...
Pixels 2 Pigment Update – Okinawa Aug 4-5 (Podcast 348)
Today I'm going to provide an update on the Pixels 2 Pigment workshops that we kicked off on August 4 in Okinawa, the sourthern-most island of Japan. Then next week, because I haven't done a travelogue style Podcast where I talk about my images and my techniques and...
Podcast 302 : Drobo Review, and Giveaway!
This week I've had the absolute pleasure of being able to test and review a Drobo, which as most of you already know is an external storage device that takes multiple hard drives, even of different size and creates one or more large volumes or drives with redundancy...
Lowepro Camera Bags – Win One! (Podcast 70)
I’ve been asked many times about the type of camera bag I use. Most of you that follow the forum will know that I’m very much a Lowepro advocate. As I bought yet another Lowepro bag for my resent trip to India, and continue to be amazed about the quality and usability...
Reflections – Assignment #4 (Podcast 54)
Today we set the scene for the next assignment, for which the theme is “Reflections”. Reflections are found almost everywhere in one form or another, so this should not be difficult to enter, but maybe difficult to win, due to the almost endless possibilities! Of...