I hope you love to print as much as I do, but when you print a lot, you pretty soon run into the problem of storing your prints safely and efficiently. I solve this in a number of ways, which I'll share with you today. I recently received a question about...
Martin Bailey
The Mental Checklist to Make Better Photographs (Podcast 498)
About two years ago I wrote an article for Craft & Vision's PHOTOGRAPH magazine called The Mental Checklist. I've discussed this in parts in the podcast both before and since that article, but today I thought I'd wrap my ideas surrounding this into a fresh...
Decurling Prints Made on Roll Paper (Podcast 497)
Today I'm going to share a simple yet sometimes overlooked technique for decurling photographs printed on roll paper. This is not a difficult thing to imagine, but a quick search shows me that few people have actually illustrated posts on this topic, so as usual, I've...
Canon EOS 5Ds R Follow-up Review – 4 Months In (Podcast 496)
After using the Canon EOS 5Ds R digital SLR camera for just over four months now, today I'm going to do a follow-up review to let you know how I'm getting on with this new ultra-high-resolution offering from Canon. If you didn't catch my earlier 5Ds Review, you can...
In Conversation with Snapizzi’s Randy dela Fuente (Podcast 495)
This week I'm really happy to bring you a conversation with the Randy dela Fuente, the Founder and CEO of Snapizzi, a service that makes managing images from your event and school photography shoots an absolute breeze. Having spent 25 years as a high volume...
Iceland Tour 2015 Travelogue Part 4 (Podcast 494)
Today we conclude our four part series of travelogues to walk you through a total of 40 images from my 2015 Iceland Tour and Workshop with Tim Vollmer and our amazing group for this year. We pick up the trail on September 29, as we headed over to Fjallsjökull. This is...
Iceland Tour 2015 Travelogue Part 3 (Podcast 493)
Welcome to part three of a four part series of travelogues to walk you through a total of 40 images from my 2015 Iceland Tour and Workshop with Tim Vollmer and a group amazing participants. We pick up the trail after breakfast on September 27, as we made a stop in the...
Iceland Tour 2015 Travelogue Part 2 (Podcast 492)
Hot off the heals of my Iceland 2015 Tour, we continue today with part two of a four part series of travelogues to walk you through a total of 40 images selected from my 70 final images from the tour. We pick up the trail on September 25, as we headed into the...
Iceland Tour 2015 Travelogue Part 1 (Podcast 491)
Having just got back from my 2015 Iceland Tour, today we're going to kick off a four part series of travelogues to walk you through a total of 40 images selected from my 70 final images from the tour. The tour starts on Sept 21, which officially is a transfer day,...
Namibia Full Circle Tour 2015 Travelogue Part 5 (Podcast 490)
This is the final part in a series of travelogue style episodes to walk you through my recent visit to Namibia, co-hosting an amazing photography tour with my friend Jeremy Woodhouse. We pick up the trail on August 22, as we visit a second Himba village, for possibly...
Namibia Full Circle Tour 2015 Travelogue Part 4 (Podcast 489)
This is part four of a series of travelogue style episodes to walk you through my recent visit to Namibia, co-hosting an amazing photography tour with my friend Jeremy Woodhouse. We pick up the trail on August 20, when we visit the first of two Himba villages that we...
Namibia Full Circle Tour 2015 Travelogue Part 3 (Podcast 488)
This is part three of a series of travelogue-style episodes to walk you through my recent visit to Namibia, co-hosting an amazing photography tour with my friend Jeremy Woodhouse. We pick up the trail on August 14, after a long drive from Luderitz, where we visited...