In this post, we conclude my review of the rest of my Complete Namibia Tour & Workshop with a larger-than-usual set of 18 images.
Complete Namibia 2022 Tour Report #5 (Podcast 784)
This week we conclude our series of Complete Namibia Tour reports with more of the majestic and beautiful wildlife in the Etosha National Park.
Complete Namibia Tour 2018 Travelogue #5 (Podcast 625)
This week we conclude our 2018 Complete Namibia Tour travelogue series, with our Wildlife Extravaganza in the Etosha National Park, literally completing the photography of the main photography genres that Namibia offers visitors. When I put this epic trip together and...
Complete Namibia Tour 2017 Travelogue 5 (Podcast 582)
This week conclude our Complete Namibia Tour Travelogue series with my final twelve wildlife images from the awesome Etosha National Park. [smart_track_player url=""...
Namibia Slideshow 4K Video (Podcast 522)
This week I share a slideshow of photographs from my first two visits to Namibia with Jeremy Woodhouse, which contains around 80 photographs and a number of short videos to depict this beautiful land and her amazing people. [smart_track_player...
Namibia Full Circle Tour 2015 Travelogue Part 4 (Podcast 489)
This is part four of a series of travelogue style episodes to walk you through my recent visit to Namibia, co-hosting an amazing photography tour with my friend Jeremy Woodhouse. We pick up the trail on August 20, when we visit the first of two Himba villages that we...
Namibia 2013 Travelogue Part 5 (Podcast 376)
Today we conclude what turned out to be a five part travelogue style account of my recent trip to Namibia. I’ve selected my last ten favorites to take a look at, and I’ll include a little background about my thought process while shooting. We pick up the trail on the...
Namibia 2013 Travelogue Part 3 (Podcast 374)
Continuing our travelogue style account of my recent trip to Namibia, I’ve selected the next ten favorites to take a look at today, and I'll include a little background and my thought process while shooting. We pick up the trail on the morning of May 14, as we started...