Today we start a two part series in which I interview talented photographer, huge contributor to the MBP community, and overall incredible human being, Landon Michaelson. Here's Landon doing this thing in the field. Next week, we'll also talk about the following...
Art Talk
Podcast 318 : Martin’s Top Ten Images from 2011
Having skipped selecting my 2010 Top Ten images at the start of 2011, because I was simply too busy, I really missed going through the exercise, so this year, I was sure to make time to reflect on 2011, and select my favorite images. The act of looking through a year...
Podcast 317 : An Interview with Dan & David Newcomb
Many of you let me know how much you enjoyed our Interview with MBP Community member Graham Morgan in episode 305, and some people asked me to do more, so today, I am really pleased to bring to a chat with Dan Newcomb. Dan has been an active member of the community...
Podcast 314 : The “Artisan” Photographer
With the digital age, photography has in many ways become incredibly "easy". I'm not just talking about the direct act of photography, although that has become so much easier, with the ability to view our images on the LCD and correct our mistakes right there in the...
Podcast 310 : Location Portrait Shoot – Behind the Scenes
After a bit of a roller-coaster summer where I found that I had a brain tumor, had some pretty scary surgery and then spent the last four months or so getting my strength back, last Sunday marked my full return to being a working photographer with a location portrait...
Hiroshi Yokoyama – A Wonderful Photographer and Friend
When I signed up for my first winter Photography Tour with Yoshiaki Kobayashi (小林 義明) to join him in Eastern Hokkaido in February 2004, there were two things that I was not aware of. The first is that it would change my life. I instantly fell in love with Eastern...
Podcast 306 : Sept 2011 “Before/After” MBP Assignment Winners
Today we're going to take a look at the September 2011 MBP Assignment Winners, on the theme of Before/After. There were very few entrants for this assignment, hopefully because it was so hard, but I do want to urge any of you that sit on the fence as to whether or not...
Podcast 305 : Interview with Graham Morgan
Today I had the pleasure of chatting to a good friend of mine, Graham Morgan, an amazing photographer from Sussex Inlet, Australia, and we recorded the chat to share with you. I kind of take being able to communicate with Graham for granted, because we've been friends...
Podcast 301 : How to Create Really Punchy Images!
In September, I had a conversation by mail with a friend that some of you may know from the MBP Community, Jared Fein. Jared had taken a look at the images on 500px following Episode 295 : An Introduction to 500px, and asked how people achieve the punchy look that you...
Podcast 297 : Silver Efex Pro 2 Walkthrough & New Features
Nik Software improved on perfection when they updated Silver Efex Pro to Silver Efex Pro 2, and today here's a video Podcast to take a look at how to use this amazing black and white conversion plugin and touch on some of the new features. You can also view the...
Podcast 296 : Aug 2011 “Alive!!” Assignment Winners
After a bit of a false start with episode 89 when I covered the winners of the two month assignment that we ran for Mach and April 2011, I've been in remiss again for a while, and haven't really covered the winning images for our Photography Assignment for some time...
Podcast 295 : An Introduction to 500px
Last week, I started to use the photo sharing web site that everyone's talking about, 500px. Initially it was the incredible quality of work that drew me to the site, but I was unsure as to whether or not to get involved, because I don't make enough time for social...