An Interview with Oded Wagenstein – The Visual Storyteller (Podcast 393)

by | Oct 28, 2013 | Art Talk, Podcast, Videos | 7 comments

Oded Wagenstein is an accomplished Israeli photographer and regular contributor to the Israeli edition of National Geographic Traveler magazine, and he’s just joined the Craft & Vision fold with his new book, The Visual Storyteller, which is an excellent introduction to incorporating story into our photographs.

And here’s the video if you prefer to watch.


Oded Wagenstein

Oded Wagenstein

Questions asked:

  • When did you get into photography?
  • What led to you starting to work for the National Geographic?
  • Tell us about your new book The Visual Storyteller?
  • I really like how you use the word Highlighting. Please tell us more about that?
  • You run workshops around the world. What sort of things do you teach?
  • Could you talk us through five of your photographs?
  • Talk about your approach to portrait photography
  • Where can people find you online? (Answer after images…)

You can buy Oded’s new book The Visual Storyteller, in which he covers these questions and much more, from Craft & Vision here.

The Visual Storyteller

The Visual Storyteller

Here are some of Oded’s amazing images that we discussed in this interview.

Highlight © Oded Wagenstein

Highlight © Oded Wagenstein

Leading Character © Oded Wagenstein

Leading Character © Oded Wagenstein

Universal Emotion  © Oded Wagenstein

Universal Emotion © Oded Wagenstein

Tools of the Trade © Oded Wagenstein

Tools of the Trade © Oded Wagenstein

Access © Oded Wagenstein

Access © Oded Wagenstein

Previsual © Oded Wagenstein

Previsual © Oded Wagenstein

The Monk © Oded Wagenstein

The Monk © Oded Wagenstein

Show Notes

Oden’s new ebook from Craft & Vision – The Visual Storyteller:

Oden’s Web site:

Oded on Facebook:

Oded on Google Plus:

Music by UniqueTracks


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  1. Nick Nieto

    This was one of the most enjoyable episodes. I usually don’t like interview episodes of any podcast but the conversation between you and Oded was so insightful and really struck me on an emotional level. This conversation got me thinking about finding story and emotion in images and scenes and got me energized to make new pictures. Thank You.

    • Martin Bailey

      That’s great Nick! I’m pleased you enjoyed this. Thanks for listening.

  2. John McCormack

    I’m also not a big fan of podcast interviews with photographers, but Oded is a very creative and truly involved with his subjects. I personally struggle with keeping motivated in my photography. On this subject I think others might be interested in a new book by Tom and David Kelley, the founders of IDEO. It’s called Creative Confidence: Unleashing the Creative Potential Within Us All. I’ve found it helps with approaching photography in an innovative way.

    Thanks for your work, Martin.

    • Martin Bailey

      I’m pleased you enjoyed this John. Thanks for the suggestion too. I’ll check that book out.

      • Martin Bailey

        Ooh, they had it on Audible too. I’ll have a listen instead.

  3. texasironchef

    Martin, your interview with Oded was informative and transformative. I’ve been struggling with my images and knew that something was often “missing” but I didn’t know what that was until listening to your conversation with Oded today. Thank you for inviting him to your podcast to share his wisdom about visual storytelling. I purchased his C&V eBook and look forward to putting into practice what I learned today!

    • Martin Bailey

      Thanks! I’m pleased you found this episode useful.


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