Ideal Exposure in the Winter Wonderland

by | Jan 11, 2012 | Announcement, Promotion, Workshops | 0 comments

Here are the two images that I talk about in Chris Marquardt’s Tips From the Top Floor Podcast this week. I talked about techniques I use and teach on my Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido Photography Tour and Workshop, to control exposure and ensure you capture beautiful whites, and blacks full of texture, regardless of the brightness or color of the background. My technique also enables you to switch between both scenes instantly without messing around with Exposure Compensation. Take a listen to learn a few simple but effective tricks.

Here’s the Tips From the Top Floor episode in which I appeared.


Tanchou Study #7

Tanchou Study #7

Soft Arched Wings

Soft Arched Wings

If you’d like to join us to from Feb 13-24 2012, to photograph the Snow Monkeys, Red-Crowned Cranes, Steller’s Sea Eagles, White-Tailed Eagles, Ezo Deer and Northern Fox, as well as some breathtaking winter landscapes, we do still have a open spaces. See full details or book your place on our Photography Tours page, or contact us if you have any questions.

Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido Photography Tour & Workshop


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In addition to the amazing content already available, Martin will be writing for the Journal of Wildlife Photography in the coming months. Stay tuned!


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