Over the years I've developed and evolved a pretty sound file management workflow for working with Lightroom on multiple computers, both in the office and when I'm traveling. I've talked about various aspects of this in previous episodes, but I thought I'd report on...
Martin Bailey
Canon EF11-24mm f/4L USM Lens Review – Just WOW! (Podcast 465)
Canon have just released the EF11-24mm f/4L USM Lens, and having picked mine up on the day of release, after a few outings around the city here in Tokyo we're going to take a look at this lens and its images today. When I first heard about the rumours that Canon were...
Final Verdict Review of the Canon EOS 7D Mark II (Podcast 464)
Following on from my First Impressions review of the Canon EOS 7D Mark II, today we're going to dive in a little deeper, and see how this new offering faired during my Winter Wonderland Tours here in Japan over the last few months. Although I'll touch on some of these...
Canon EF 100-400mm Mark II Lens Review (Podcast 463)
Canon recently released a long awaited Mark II version of their legendary 100-400mm lens, that was loved by many until the resolution of our cameras out-grew it. Today we're going to take a look at this new lens, to see if it was worth the wait. As the megapixels of...
Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido 2015 Tour #2 Part 2 (Podcast 462)
This week is the last of a two part series to walk you through a selection of photos from my second Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido Tour for 2015. We pick up the trail on day seven, with one last Whooper Swan photo, before the majestic sea eagles, and a surprise visit...
Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido 2015 Tour #2 Part 1 (Podcast 461)
This week is the first of a two part series to walk you through a selection of photos from my second Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido Tour for 2015. These tours are in many ways the highlight of my year, so I'm sad to see them finished, but the resulting photos will keep...
Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido 2015 Tour #1 Part 2 (Podcast 460)
This week we complete our two part series to walk through 24 photos from the first of my two Japan Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido winter wonderland wildlife tours for 2015. As you'll hear today, the weather gave us some unique challenges on this tour, but as usual we...
Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido 2015 Tour #1 Part 1 (Podcast 459)
This week we start a two part series to walk through 24 photos from the first of my two Japan Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido winter wonderland wildlife tours for 2015. As you'll hear next week, the weather gave us some unique challenges on this tour, but as usual we had...
Hokkaido Landscape Photography Adventure 2015 #2 (Podcast 458)
Following on from last week, today I walk you through the second half of my Hokkaido Landscape Photography Adventure, a new tour that I just completed with special guest David duChemin and a group of incredibly talented photographers. We pick up the trail on January...
Hokkaido Landscape Photography Adventure 2015 #1 (Podcast 457)
Last week, I completed a 12 day Hokkaido Landscape Photography Adventure with special guest David duChemin and 13 other amazing photographers. This was the first landscape only tour that I've done in Hokkaido, and we had a pretty amazing time, so from today I'm...
Saying Hi from Hokkaido (Podcast 456)
With a few minutes in my hotel room before dinner, I figured I'd just record a quick message to say hi from Hokkaido on day eight of our first landscape only photography adventure. To hear my message listen with the below audio player, and here are the selection of...
My 2014 Top Ten Photographs (Podcast 455)
Following on from last week, when I walked you through my selection process, this week I'm going to tell you a bit about the 10 photographs that I selected as my 2014 Top Ten. Before we jump in and start to walk through my top ten, I'd like to thank all of you that...