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This week’s podcast is a collaboration with my friend Don Komarechka, who, among lots of other things, runs the Photo Geek Weekly Podcast. I will be teaching at the Out of Chicago Live event again next month, and in addition to my own session on Microphotography, Don and I are doing a joint session to cover everything Macro, so we decided to do a joint Podcast and mention the event together. We went on to record a podcast in Don’s usual format, so this is really an episode of Photo Geek Weekly, but it was fun to record together, as usual, so we figured we’d just both share this audio.

We discuss the change in business strategy for Ricoh / Pentax, weird ways to use film cameras, another discussion of NFTs and why the connection to Facebook is even worse, and what you give away when you enter a photo contest. Here are links to the stories we covered and embellished for your reference and further reading.
Story 1: Questioning the value of ‘mass production and mass sales,’ Ricoh is looking to take a more direct-to-consumer approach in Japan (via DPReview)
Story 2: The DiGi Swap Lets Film Cameras Shoot Directly to an iPhone (via PetaPixel)
Story 3: Meta is working on letting users create, sell NFTs on Facebook and Instagram (via DPReview)
Story 4: Share your best iPhone macro photos for a chance to be featured across Apple’s social media and ad campaigns (via DPReview)
Related: The Shot On iPhone Macro Challenge Official Rules PDF (via Apple)
Show Notes
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