Creating Capture One Pro Camera Profiles with basICColor Input 5 (Podcast 617)

by | May 5, 2018 | Podcast, Review, Tutorial | 0 comments

 Today we’re going to start exploring options that enable us to create camera profiles for Capture One Pro, starting with basICColor input 5. This is something that I’ve been meaning to look into for a while, so I’m pleased to finally be able to bring this to you.

When I was using Lightroom, I used to use X-Rite’s Color Checker Passport to create camera profiles, which I could then assign to images, helping to make the colors as accurate as possible. Before we go on, I want to say that although I feel this is important for product shoot, when the accuracy of the color of the product is important, for my regular art photography, I’d already been far less reliant on this technology even before switching to Capture One Pro, and this really is why I haven’t really missed not being able to create profiles for the past almost two years now, since I jumped ship.

There are still occasions though when I feel that I’d like to lock in the color more accurately, and so I contacted a couple of companies to get access to their software for evaluation purposes. The first company that I contacted was basICColor, and I actually had them provide me with an extended evaluation license last year, but it expired as I got busy again with my Morocco Tour and then my Winter Tours. So, a special thanks to the basICColor team for their patience and generosity in enabling me to prepare this review.

The second solution I’m going to look at is one that has only just recently come to my attention via a reader, and that is Lumariver. These people have also provided me with a copy of their software to take a look at, and I intend to do that straight after we finish this initial review of basICColor Input 5. I do not intend this to be a comparison as such, rather I’d just like to cover our options, and you can choose which option you’d like to go with if indeed you are looking to create your own camera profiles for Capture One Pro.

Anyway, rather than spelling this all out, I decided to record a screencast, so that I could show you the software in action along with some examples using my images, explaining why I personally won’t be using this solution for my general work, although it would be useful for work when complete color accuracy is required, like for product shoots and studio work where the lighting can be completely controlled.

Check out the video to see what I mean, and hopefully, this will help you to understand if there is a place for this kind of software in your workflow. Also note that I would recommend you actually download basICColor input 5 and give it a try for yourself. There is a trial period available if you don’t have a license.

What Does it Cost?

OK, so basICColor input 5 completely surpassed my expectations in the ease of use and quality of the camera profiles created, but the all-important question is, how much is it going to set you back if you decide to buy a license. This may well be the crunch factor for most people, as basICColor is a cool €500 or $600 at the current exchange rate. Either way, you can check out basICColor input 5 here:

Show Notes

You can buy or try basICColor input 5 here:

Music by Martin Bailey


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