Inspired? Show Me – 400th Podcast Episode Party!

by | Dec 15, 2013 | Musings, Podcast, Videos | 4 comments

I often receive email from people kind enough to let me know that the Podcast has been a source of inspiration. Well, to celebrate our 400th episode we decided to hold a party! Darlene Hildebrandt hosted the Hangout on Air, which was a life saver, because my computer kept crashing! Here is the video though, and below that you’ll find a photo from the participants that had a story to share.

Thanks once again to all who participated or viewed the Hangout live, asking questions etc. And thank a million to each and every one of you that listens to or watches the podcast each week. Without you there’d be no point to any of this. Thank YOU!

Thanks so much to Darlene Hildebrandt for hosting and recording this, and to Valerie Jardin for also joining us. You can find Darlene at and Valerie at


Neil Graham:

Hawk Conservancy © Neil Graham

Hawk Conservancy © Neil Graham


Eric Vogt:

Window Into Spring © Eric Vogt

Window Into Spring © Eric Vogt


Andrzej Wisniewski:

Hong Kong - Bank of China Tower © Andrzej Wisniewski

Hong Kong – Bank of China Tower © Andrzej Wisniewski

Paul Griffiths:

Paul Griffiths with his prints

Paul Griffiths with his prints


Mike Whitten:

Mike Whitten Exhibition

Mike Whitten Exhibition


Michael Rammell:

West Bay Cliffs © Michael Rammell

West Bay Cliffs © Michael Rammell


Thysje Arthur:

The Pier at New Brighton © Thysje Arthur

The Pier at New Brighton © Thysje Arthur


Show Notes

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Martin Bailey is proud to partner with the Journal of Wildlife Photography!

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In addition to the amazing content already available, Martin will be writing for the Journal of Wildlife Photography in the coming months. Stay tuned!


  1. Jared Fein

    Congratulations Martin for reaching your #400 podcast milestone. I look forward to listening to the next 400! The first 400 have all been terrific and have been more than worth my investment in time listening to them. Best regards,


  2. Dennis Mook


    Congratulations! A very nice milestone. Thank you for your time and great effort in sharing your knowledge with the photographic community. You have made a difference for a lot of photographers. Sharing and mentoring is so important to the development of everyone. I look forward to the next 400!



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