Gura Gear Bataflae 32L Camera Backpack Review (Podcast 358)

by | Jan 22, 2013 | Podcast, Promotion, Review, Videos | 9 comments

For this week’s Podcast, I’ve put together a quick video to show you the new Gura Gear Bataflae 32L camera bag. As a long time user of the Kiboko bag, I’m happy to say that the Bataflae actually improves on perfection. Anyway, links are below, but here’s the video. Don’t forget to select the HD version under the cog-wheel in the video settings and go full screen!

NOTE: The Gura Gear range have now been merged into the Tamrac camera bag product line, as the G Elite series. We’ve removed all the product links because they are no longer valid.


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  1. Brad Oliver

    Thanks for putting this together Martin. I ordered a 32L today from OPG and told them you sent me. I was was originally going to order the 26L, but your video review pushed me to the 32L.


    PS – Thanks for the code.

    • Martin Bailey

      That’s great to hear Brad. You’ll love the Bataflae. You’re welcome on the code as well. I’m happy to help.


  2. Tony

    Hi Martin,
    Great review. I was wondering if you plan on doing any podcast about the necessary for outdoor photography like clothing, outfit etc…
    I did a quick search but could only find a kind of old episode that might be outdated.

    • Martin Bailey

      Hi Tony,

      Thanks for stopping by.

      I can probably do that at some point. I’ll add it to my list of episodes to plan. Thanks for the idea!


  3. Tony

    Great, thanks for considering. I’m asking because being in Japan too, I find it hard to relate with US based reviewers as brands availability is so different.

    btw are Guru gears visible/distributed in Japan?

    • Martin Bailey

      No problem Tony.

      I generally find my outdoor clothing here, so it should be useful, but my main problem is getting sizes to fit. I just about manage, but would buy different stuff sometimes if I could only get the item in my size here!

      I’m not aware of a Gura Gear distributer here in Japan. I generally buy direct or through my friends at


  4. Tony

    Thanks for the reply Martin. I’ll order from OPG with your discount code.

  5. David

    Hi Martin.

    Great Video & the 32l Bataflae looks the ideal back pack. Problem is that Gura Gear seems to have been taken over by Tamrac & they seem to have discontinued the replacement (G32). Any ideas re a similar backpack for travel. I want a backpack for long haul flights where I can use 1/2 for camera gear & half for clothes etc.

    Also can’t find Et Cetra bags & pouches anywhere. Any idea where to get them or similar



    • Martin Bailey

      Hi David,

      Actually Gura Gear acquired Tarmac. They called it the minnow swallowing the whale.

      Unfortunately I can’t really recommend anything else. My Gura Gear bags are still going strong, and I haven’t seen anything used by my workshop participants that I can honestly say I’d buy when I need to replace my bags. Sorry!



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