Podcast 307 : New 2012 Snow Monkey and Hokkaido Winter Wildlife Wonderland Tours

by | Nov 9, 2011 | Announcement, Podcast, Workshops | 2 comments

This is actually Chris Marquardt’s Tips from the Top Floor, episode 524. Today basically I inserted a thirty minute chat between Chris and I as we’ve teamed up to bring you two new Snow Monkey and Hokkaido Winter Wildlife Wonderland Tours. I’ve recently asked Chris to run my German version of this tour, and we have also added a new tour before that, which both Chris and I will run together.

The first tour with both Chris and I will be from January 23rd to February the 3rd, then the German Tour will be from February 6th to the 17th. Details of both can be found on my Tour & Workshops page.

My original tour is unchanged from Feb 13th to the 24th, and this has now reached the numbers required to make it happen, but there are a few spaces left, so there are plenty of options here. If you want to join us, and one doesn’t match your schedule, hopefully the other will work for you.

I will be releasing another Podcast this week, so please forgive this shameless promotion, and if you already listened to this on the Tips from the Top Floor Podcast, you can skip this episode. You and I will catch up again for the Martin Bailey Photography Podcast, probably tomorrow (Nov 10, 2011). I’m hoping to walk you through Nik Software’s Color Efex Pro 4.

Listen here:

And here are a few examples of the sort of images we shoot on these Winter Wildlife Wonderland Tour and Workshops.

Oh, and if you’d like to be kept up to date on this and other tours, like the amazing Southern New Zealand Photo Adventure I’ve just released details of, please sign up for my newsletter.

Tanchou Study #7

Tanchou Study #7



Eagle Eye

Eagle Eye

QI #2

QI #2

Shadow Dancing

Shadow Dancing

Tough Life!!

Tough Life!!

Steller's Sea Eagle at Dawn

Steller’s Sea Eagle at Dawn

Swan's Attention

Swan’s Attention

Old Tree with Four Swans

Old Tree with Four Swans

Bihoro Pass

Bihoro Pass

Show Notes

Sign up for Tour & Workshop Newsletters: https://mbp.ac/news

Music by UniqueTracks


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In addition to the amazing content already available, Martin will be writing for the Journal of Wildlife Photography in the coming months. Stay tuned!


  1. alex metzler

    Good morning Martin – I have a small question.

    Can I make a copy of you photo above named: reverence “monkey” I loved and I will like to keep in my comp nice job.

    If is not ok for you, don’t worry I understand, ok?

    Thanks for all you pods nice job

    Alex Metzler


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