Episode 290 : The Poorly Photographers Society, with David duChemin

by | Jun 14, 2011 | Art Talk, OMG!, Podcast | 6 comments

David duChemin is a world & humanitarian photographer, best-selling author. David recently took a fall during one of his workshops in Italy, and is still recovering from his ordeal.

With me finding out last week that I have a brain tumour we find ourselves with a heightened appreciation for life itself, and the beauty of the world around us. With this, we decided to get together to record this week’s Podcast, which marks the inauguration of the Poorly Photographer’s Society, spurred on by David’s comment to me last week that we should “Carpe the crap out of the Diem”!

David actually renamed the Society to the Not Quite Dead Photographers Society during the Podcast recording. Nice one David!! 🙂

Anyway, it’s a great chat, and you can listen with the audio player below, or subscribe to the Podcast in iTunes and get this and future episodes automatically downloaded.

You can find David on the following Web sites:

David’s Web site: http://www.davidduchemin.com/
David’s Blog: http://www.pixelatedimage.com/blog/
David on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/pixelatedimage

David is also behind the amazing photography resource: Craft And Vision

I own and love almost all of the eBooks that David has written, and most of those that are available from other photographers on Craft And Vision. They are amazingly beautiful and packed with information as well as images, not to mention incredibly affordable.

Podcast show-notes:

David’s Web site: http://www.davidduchemin.com/
David’s Blog: http://www.pixelatedimage.com/blog/
David on Twitter: http://twitter.com/#!/pixelatedimage
Craft and Vision: http://www.craftandvision.com/


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In addition to the amazing content already available, Martin will be writing for the Journal of Wildlife Photography in the coming months. Stay tuned!


  1. Susan M

    Great way to spend my evening at home. Photography has not only opened up to me a world of creativity but also brought me to know, (albeit via cyber at times) some really nice people, as the two sharing with us their conversation on this podcast. Thank Martin!

  2. Jan

    Ah, two of my favorite photographers in this podcast!

    There are so many great points that the two of you bring up. Receptivity ~ love the concept and I totally agree. Limitations are only set by the person behind the lens. I could go on and on! Thanks for sharing!!!!

    Get well to the both of you. I can’t wait to see what the next level that you and David move up to next!

  3. Jim Panzer

    Excellent and inspirational podcast guys, thank you so much for doing so much for this industry and for people in general. Be strong and get well to the both of you!!!


  4. Roger Overall

    Hi Martin,

    I really enjoyed your conversation with David.

    There is great depth here. Sure, a lot of talk of gear, but as a means to photographic expression.

    What struck me most, though, was how David seems to be plotting how he will turn his recent adversity into a benefit going forward; using it as a positive stepping stone of some kind in his career.

    It leaves me pondering your own situation, of which I have some experience. I truly wish you well (in all senses of those words).


  5. Alex Racanelli

    Hi Martin,
    Fantastic interview with David. You both show tremendous strength and still maintain a sense of humor. That’s great! Would love to throw a few (or 10) pints with both of you. Be well and get well guys. God Bless!

  6. t.linn

    Great interview, Martin. I’ve listened to David interviewed on so many different podcasts already that I didn’t expect to get much out of this one. Boy was I wrong. Your discussion was interesting and useful in a way that NONE of the other podcasts were. Without naming names, the other interviews (and interviewers) come across as very superficial by comparison. Thanks for another great podcast! I will be listening to this one more than once.

    I see from other comments that you’ve made that you are on the mend. I’m relieved to read this and it is my hope and prayer that you continue on the read to a full recovery.


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