Quick Update, but Sorry, No Podcast this Week!

by | Dec 16, 2010 | Announcement | 5 comments

Tag Links | banner | busy | going pro |

Sorry folks, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to make time for a Podcast this week. I’ll try to catch up later, but things have been a little hectic to say the least.

It’s amazing how little time I’m finding myself with now that I don’t have a day job to go to — despite working about 70 hours a week for the last month or so! I’m not complaining of course, I love my life now! But there’s so much to do, getting a business started, it’s unbelievable.

One of the things that takes time is that every document that I send out is having to be made from scratch, so I’m creating templates of everything. It will all be easier next time of course, but there’s a lot of time overhead here.  I’ve also had a lot of administration work as I align to my new tax accountants way of doing things. He’s so much more detailed than my last accountant, which is great, but taking time getting aligned.

I’m almost done with the preparation for the Exhibition next week. All the printing is done, and all images that require frames are in them. I wrote my profile out today in English, then translated it to Japanese, to post on the wall of the gallery.

I still have to create all the caption cards, and the video slideshow, but that’s going to have to wait until next Tuesday and Wednesday now, because another reason I’ve been so busy is I’ve been preparing for a portrait shoot at a Christmas Party tomorrow night.

Basically the company I used to work for have given me a large room in the corner of a restaurant they’re chartering for the evening, and I’m going to set up a full studio to do short portrait sessions of the party goers. I currently have three sessions booked and will be punting to try and get more interested families in during off times.

I’ve just profiled my projector when projecting an image onto a 20×30″ blank white canvas. I’m going to shoot tethered right into Lightroom and have the images come up at 20×30 as they arrive on my laptop. That will give the subjects an instant view of what’s coming in, and hopefully give rise to some surprised and happy faces to shoot. It will of course also give them an idea of what the images will look like when printed onto a canvas, which might lead to some canvas sales. 🙂

Then on Saturday I have another portrait shoot, and small versions of the images from all of the shoots have to be delivered to my clients by the end of next Monday, for use on their New Year postcards. Luckily I have until the start of next year to fulfill any additional print orders that I might get, so I have Tuesday and Wednesday to finalize preparation for my exhibition and then I’ll be setting the gallery up on Wednesday night. I can’t wait!

By the way, I printed out a 2×6′ banner for the entrance to my temporary studio tomorrow. It was great seeing my kneeling man logo coming out of the printer in true “Super-size Me” fashion!

Super-Size Me!

Super-Size Me!

Here’s the finished banner laid out on the floor, with the rest of the gear ready to load to the car tomorrow.

2x6' Banner

2×6′ Banner

I’m hoping to be able to report back on how the Xmas Party shoots go next week. It’s going to be a LOT of fun. 🙂

Anyway, I’d better get off for now. I just thought I’d give you an update before I hit the sack.

Cheers for now!


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  1. Anthony Sinagoga

    Sounds exciting, Martin. As a photographer who made the transition out of a corporate job into full time photography 9 years ago, I can completely understand. While I wouldn’t change a thing, it can be very challenging being a one man show. I find I’m simply never done. There is always something that I could be doing. But it is such a liberating feeling. Enjoy this exciting time but make sure you carve out some down time as well.

  2. David Gustafson

    Hey Martin, I definitely understand about not having time this week to do a full podcast. Anything that puts food on the table has a bit of a higher priority. Besides, it’s kind of hard recording a podcast when you are dead from starvation. Good luck on your portrait shoots and on your exhibition! 🙂

  3. Martin Bailey

    Hi Anthony,

    I wouldn’t change a thing either, though I am looking forward to getting my business processes more settled, so they don’t take so much time. I’ve had a great couple of months though, and I knew that it would be like this when I decided to do the show at the same time as setting up the business. If I hadn’t done that, I’d have had time on my hands, that that would freak me out! Having said that, I do want to get started on next year’s workshop planning too, so I’d have just done that instead. Like you say, there’s always something to move on to, but that feels great in itself.

    I have been able to take the odd day off, but I haven’t had time to shoot for myself for what seems like the longest time. Apart from a few visits to a park and a few hours at the zoo that is. Although I’m working hard and feeling tired, I certainly don’t feel stressed though, and that’s important to me.

    Thanks for the comment!

    Hi David,

    Thanks for your understanding! I’ll probably just about be covering my rent this first few months, which is actually more than I’d expected, but the food is coming from my savings. 🙂

    It’s all helping to make this dream come true though, and I do intend to keep up my weekly Podcasting schedule, as soon as I can get my act together!

    Thanks for the encouragement!


  4. Frank Field

    Martin – No worries. Your priorities are the right ones. Good luck with the final preparations for your gallery show (and even better luck with sales of prints!). Frank

  5. Robert ONeill

    good luck on your opening!
    Your work is so inpressive, I am sure it will go well.


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