Podcast 232 : Antarctica 2010 : A Photo Odyssey – Q&A

by | Feb 28, 2010 | Announcement, Podcast, Workshops | 0 comments

I’ve teamed up with professional Australian nature photographer David Burren to host a photography expedition to South Georgia and Antarctica from November 8th to 26th this year.

Today it gives me great pleasure to welcome David to the Martin Bailey Photography Podcast to answer questions on the expedition.

David Burren

David Burren

Note that David and I aiming to take a group of around 20 people. We’re already getting people signing up, and places are limited, so if you want to come, you’ll need to book SOON. The booking form is available at antarctica2010.com. Once we are fully booked, there will be a wait-list.

There is no transcript for this episode, so you’ll need to listen with the audio player below, or via iTunes or your favourite MP3 player. Links to all formats are at the bottom of this post.

You can see details of the Antarctica 2010 Photo Odyssey at antarctica2010.com.

Zodiac in front of Iceberg (© Copyright - David Burren)

Zodiac in front of Iceberg (© Copyright – David Burren)

In the Zodiac (© Copyright - David Burren)

In the Zodiac (© Copyright – David Burren)

© Copyright - David Burren

© Copyright – David Burren

Podcast show-notes:

Antarctica 2010 : A Photo Odyssey: http://antarctica2010.com/

More on David Burren: http://www.davidburren.com/

WebSpy giveaway: http://www.webspy.com.au/blogs/index.php/new-webspy-soho-giveaway/

Music from Music Alley: http://www.musicalley.com/


Download the Enhanced Podcast M4A files directly.

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