Podcast 212 : Martin Interview by Jack Andrys, WebSpy CEO – Part 1

by | Oct 12, 2009 | Art Talk, Musings, Podcast | 10 comments

Many people have asked me to give more details about myself over the four years that I’ve been doing the Martin Bailey Photography Podcast, but I have never gotten around to it. When I spoke with Jack Andrys, the CEO of WebSpy, our sponsor, about having Jack on the show, he had the idea of him interviewing me. Little did we know that it would turn into a 2 hour and 20 minute marathon chat!

I have split the audio into two parts, with the second part to be released next week, but here is the first part. There is going to be no transcript for these two episodes, as they were not scripted, but here are the images that I mentioned, and you can listen to the audio with the player below, or via iTunes as usual.

This is proof of how important (not) photography was in my house as a kid. Someone, probably my Dad, used this photo of me at 19 months as a coaster, leaving a coffee ring and ripping off part of my face, then they folded the photograph!

Coffee Mug Damaged and Creased Martin at 19 months

Coffee Mug Damaged and Creased Martin at 19 months

In an early version of Photoshop, version 2 or 3, possibly 4, I cloned the right ear to recreate the right and got rid of some of the other crease marks etc.

Retouched Martin at 19 months

Retouched Martin at 19 months

This next shot is the first school photo when I was 5 years old. Probably the cutest photo I have of myself, but really one of just a handful of images from my childhood.

1st School Photo - Martin 5 years old (Nov 1st 1972)

1st School Photo – Martin 5 years old (Nov 1st 1972)

Most other photos from my childhood were taken by my friend Jim Canning’s Dad, Robert (Jim) Canning. It was Big Jim that started my interest in photography by letting me snap the odd landscape when we were on holiday together.

Copyright © Robert (Jim) Canning

Copyright © Robert (Jim) Canning

That’s Jim on the left as we view the image, with my sister Pamela to his right. I don’t remember the name of the little girl next to me on the right.

By the way, the really weird music in this episode is me playing the Didgeridoo at a Christmas Party in 2002. I got a bit better than this before I stopped playing because it was too noisy and not fair on my neighbors.

I hope this episode is not too self indulgent, as many people have asked for more details about me. We also interweave a lot of photography related topics too, especially in the second half, so please do take a listen.


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  1. Forrest Tanaka

    Really enjoyed this episode! You’re full of surprises, Martin, like playing the Didgeridoo and the black-sheep brother.

  2. Martin Bailey

    Thanks Forrest. I’m pleased you enjoyed this episode.

    There’s a load more where this came from, but if I went into any more detail I’d need a week!

    Of course part two will be released next week, but still, there’s a lot left unsaid. Thinking about it, maybe that’s how it should be. 🙂

  3. Jack Andrys

    Martin the interview reminded me of my first film SLR a Zenit E, so I am purchasing one on Ebay now 🙂

    • Martin Bailey

      That’s great Jack, congrats! Let us know if you shoot anything with it. I bought a Canon AE-1 a few years ago, and drop the odd film in, and it really does feel great to use these old cameras. My AE-1’s shutter sticks every few frames though, which is a little annoying. I hope your Zenit is in good working order.

  4. Robert DeRobertis

    Martin, thanks for sharing. It is good to hear about the person whom I’ve listened to for well over a year. I love your attention to detail and how you share the detail with all of us. Looking forward to part 2.

    I spend a week every other month in Japan in the late 90’s. (One hell of a commute from the East Coast of the US.) Those were interesting times for Japan. The high tech boom was full speed ahead and the culture seemed to be on the edge of change. I wonder if you witnessed any of that between the hiatus 97-2000. Cheers.

  5. Martin Bailey


    Thanks for the comment. I’m pleased you enjoyed the interview and are enjoying the Podcast.

    That sure is one hell of a commute from the East Coast. The West Coast wouldn’t be so bad, but East Coast. I feel your pain.

    I was involved in the start of the high-tech changes, but didn’t really notice any huge leaps from when I left in ’97 to when I returned in 2000. Phones were a bit smaller, that’s all. 🙂

    Apart from that, Japan hasn’t changed a lot in my eye, but that’s probably because I live here. If you came back now, 10 years on, I’m sure things are different.

    The new government is a good thing too. We are finally seeing some changes for the better due to the change in political party. Looking forward to seeing how this pans out.


  6. Alex

    Of all the Podcasts I engage in, I look forward to experiencing yours the most. Your candid interview#1 with Jack Andrys was great. Looking forward to more!

    Love your work,

  7. Robert DeRobertis

    I’ll love to come back to Japan. I’m hoping that I may be able to get a trip over on business in January. If I do, would love to come to photograph the snow monkeys.

    Great podcast, thanks.

  8. Martin Bailey

    Thanks very much for the kind words Alex! I’m pleased you enjoy the Podcast and this episode too!

    Robert, if you can time your trip that would be great. The snow monkeys are amazing. I had a really hard time editing my shots from just 1.5 days down to less than 50. I usually like to post just one or two images from a shoot but it just wasn’t possible with these guys. I ended up posting 45 images!!


  9. Alex

    The snow monkey shots are stunning Martin (above link)! Would love to just see them let alone have a chance to photograph them. Looking forward to other projects you are working on. Enjoy!


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