Martin Bailey Photography :: The Blog! Goes Live!

by | Jun 9, 2009 | Announcement | 9 comments

After many years of editing HTML and PHP directly to create just about everything on my site, I figured it is time to make things a little easier on myself, and create a blog. And of course, everybody has a blog these days, so I figured I’d jump on the bandwagon too!

I’ll be posting various photography related articles and general observations. I also intend to use this space to make announcements related to my Photographic life, as well as the Martin Bailey Photography Podcast. I’ll be posting show-notes for the Podcast here too, as well as my Podcasts page for the time being. If things work out, and I have the time to migrate the previous 194 episodes, I might eventually make this THE place to come for my Podcasts outside of iTunes.

I’m still toying with the idea of posting Podcast transcripts here too, as well as show-notes, especially when I discuss images or use charts etc. that I don’t want to upload into my photography gallery. More on this later.

Note that if you have not yet subscribed to my Podcast, you can subscribe to the Enhanced version in  iTunes, or to the MP3 version, in just about any feed aggregation tool. If you subscribe to the Enhanced version, you will see images change as I speak about them. This is overall a much better way to enjoy the Podcast.

Anyway, I just thought I’d get this post out there, to let you know that I’ve started the blog. I’m looking forward to getting into blogging with text, in addition to audio from now on! 😀

UPDATE: Note that since I started the blog in July 2009, we have now gone back and loaded all Podcast episodes since September 2005 onto the blog and removed the old gallery. This has since become the core of the site!

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If you find this post useful, please consider supporting Martin Bailey Photography on Patreon!

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Martin Bailey is proud to partner with the Journal of Wildlife Photography!

Subscribe and get Mastering Light: The Essence of Wildlife Photography eBook FREE! ($97 Value)

Gain access to 5 Years of back issues with a value of $485!

In addition to the amazing content already available, Martin will be writing for the Journal of Wildlife Photography in the coming months. Stay tuned!


  1. oweynge

    congrats on the launch! the blog looks good 🙂

  2. morton_goldberg

    Hello, Martin, and congratulations on your new blog.

    Linked over from the forum and joined. Using the RSS feed to have new posts show up in my OS X Mail RSS mailbox. Look forward to many interesting posts.

  3. Pixelated

    Very exciting! Congrats! Looks great!!

  4. Martin Bailey

    Thanks for the well wishes folks!
    And thanks for stopping by. I’m excited to get this blog off the ground.

  5. Jack Andrys

    Thanks for your work in helping photographers for the past four years, we all look forward to your continuing your efforts. Your blog looks great and it is a pleasure to help you a little in terms of our sponsorship.
    Jack Andrys

  6. Bill Jeffries

    Hey, this is great, looks great too 🙂

  7. davidinjp

    It looks great. This is the perfect cap to your deep content galleries, workshops, and forum sites. Well done. Look forward to daily postings!

  8. Landon

    Congrats my friend! Looks and works great. Looking forward to even mre MB details to follow now. 🙂

  9. Martin Bailey

    Thanks very much for the comments everyone! It’s great that you all stopped by.

    Jack, thanks for the sponsorship and photo competition prizes too! It’s simply amazing! 😀


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