Assignment #16 – Irony (Podcast 148)

by | Jul 28, 2008 | Art Talk, Assignment, Podcast | 0 comments

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Today I announce the winners of the Irony Assignment and kick-off the next Assignment on Shadows.

In third place – WinkelmanArt, real name Scott Winkelman

A Sons Leadership

A Sons Leadership

In second place – Mr Nikon, who’s real name I believe is Dan Newcomb



How safe?

How safe?

1st place – calvinbradshaw. Calvin actually won the Nostalgia assignment which was the one before the Irony assignment, and was kind enough to buy a second print from me to go with the one that he won. Maybe now that Calving has won a third print, I should just refund the cost of the second print that he bought.

So, the next assignment theme is going to be Shadows. This has been on the list of candidates for assignments for a while, so I figured it was time to bring it to the fore and work on it together.

Put something between the flash and the subject or background. Cookie or Cucoloris

For this Assignment, your shot must have been captured after the start date, of June 28, 2008. You will be fine to upload your entry until midnight on Sunday the 7th of September, 2008, just about anywhere in the world.

On September 8th voting will start for two weeks until the end of Sunday September 21st, 2008. Look for the voting buttons above the image (see below) when viewed full size having clicked the thumbnail. You will be able to change your votes until voting finishes, but each member is only allowed three votes. One 1st, one 2nd and one 3rd place vote each. You must be a member to vote. I’ll announce the winner in the Podcast after voting finishes. Once the winner has been announced I’ll enable comments and rating in the Assignment gallery so that you can use it as any other album, though it will be locked to stop any further uploads or editing of your images.

Remember that the winner of the assignment will receive a print of the photo of their choice from my online gallery at on the paper and size of their choice.

Sorry for the quick show today. I really have been overrun, with one thing and another, and just couldn’t make time to prepare something in advance. I have a fair amount of photography work lined up outside of my day job these days, which is great, but it does mean that I am busier than ever, so the Podcast is taking a bit of a hit. I will try to continue to release something each week, but the length of the Podcasts may come down a little some weeks. I appreciate your understanding on this. I will also start to share some of my experiences of work for Clients soon, as I am currently working on projects that aren’t confidential in any way, so that should be fun to share as well. In the meantime, let’s get out shooting for the Shadows assignment. Bye bye.

Show Notes

Note: Due to site changes, the scores pages and forum are no longer available.

The music in this episode is from the PodShow Podsafe Music Network at


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