All you need to understand Depth of Field, Hyperfocal Distance and Infinity in Photography, with some practical examples of my why this is important.
Hyperfocal Distance
Circle of Confusion, the Airy Disk and Diffraction (Podcast 594)
Today I'm going to explain what causes diffraction as we stop down the aperture in our lenses past a certain point, and how this may affect our photographs. I've been working on an update to our iOS app Photographer's Friend so that you'll be able to do two new...
Understanding Hyperfocal Distance (Podcast 437)
I was thinking about hyperfocal distance recently, and wondered how long ago it was that I did my original podcast on this subject. I checked this morning, it was almost eight years ago now, so I decided to cover this subject again today. Much of what I said back then...
Yachiho Highlands – Part #2 (Podcast 142)
Following on from last week, today we continue to trace my steps from a recent trip to the Yachiho Highlands as I share some of the images I brought back with me, intermingling tips on decisions I made while photographing the area. As I mentioned last week, some of...
Q&A #3 – Understanding Hyperfocal Distance (Podcast 65)
Today I’m going talk about what Hyperfocal Distance is, and how to apply it practically in our photograph, in response to a question that long term listener and moderator on the Martin Bailey Photography Forum, Marisa Firpi was kind enough to record for us using the...