It’s hard to believe that a year has passed again, but the Autumn color is back in Tokyo, and today I share a few shots from our local park.
Autumn Colour at Shigakougen 2007 – Part #2 (Podcast 110)
Part way through last week’s episode I realized that it was going to be far too long for one episode and then suddenly decided to split it into two. Today we’re going to look through the rest of my shots from my recent trip to Shigakougen, a Highland Plateau in the...
Autumn Colour at Shigakougen 2007 – Part #1 (Podcast 109)
The Autumn Colour has officially arrived! At least if we chase it a bit that is. Today we’re going to look through some of my shots from my recent trip to Shigakougen, a Highland Plateau in the Nagano Prefecture, north-west of Tokyo. I visited this location at this...
Heavenly Cosmos (Podcast 107)
Many of you will remember the drama with the Japanese Green Woodpecker from Episode 93 of this Podcast. Today we return to the same park as autumn sets in here in Tokyo, the weather cools, and the autumn flowers grace us with their yearly presence. As I’ve mentioned...
Determination, Persistence and Resilience (Podcast 59)
In episode 58 we visited Ichinuma, a pond in a highland plain called Shigakougen, which was the first colour of this Autumn for me here in Japan. I mentioned that I would like to go back to the same place a week later, although I wasn’t sure it would be possible....