Photography Nirvana Out of Chicago Live Preview (Podcast 734)

by | Mar 12, 2021 | Podcast, Tutorial, Videos | 2 comments

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I’m proud to be a part of the Out of Chicago LIVE event that will take place from April 9 to 11, 2021, and today wanted to provide a sneak peek at part of what I’ll be talking about, and walk you briefly through some of the post-processing techniques that I’ll be demonstrating in Capture One Pro during my live session. My Live Session is entitled “Photography Nirvana Through Minimalist Introspection” and I’m going to talk about minimalist photography mostly illustrated with my Winter Photography from Hokkaido, Japan, and get into finding your style and learning to really love your photography.
I’ve created a video that starts with a brief teaser about my talk, but then I provide a 20-minute demonstration of how I process two winter scenes in Capture One Pro version 21.1, and whether you will be joining us online for the Out of Chicago LIVE event from April 9 to 11, 2021, or not, I think you’ll get something out of the video.
Check out details of the event at and I really hope to see you there and would love it if you join my session on Photography Nirvana through Minimalist Introspection. Here’s the video. I hope you find it useful.

Show Notes

Check out and register for the event here:

You can also find the video on Vimeo here:

Music by Martin Bailey


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In addition to the amazing content already available, Martin will be writing for the Journal of Wildlife Photography in the coming months. Stay tuned!


  1. Bruce McDonald

    Thanks Martin, describing you thought processes and the use of the software (Capture one) was interesting and informative. Unfortunately I’ll not be participating in OOC but I hope it all goes well – the program looks great.

    • Martin Bailey

      Thanks Bruce! Yes, it’s a bit of a stretch timezone-wise for you folks down-under. Should be a good event though. I’m looking forward to it immensely.

      Hope all is well.


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