Ibarionex Perello on Making Photographs (Podcast 657)

by | Apr 16, 2019 | Art Talk, Musings, Podcast | 2 comments

Today I bring you a chat. between too old friends. I sat down with Ibarionex Perello, with no manuscript, and no overall objective except mentioning Ibarionex’s new book, and we just talked, for an hour. I really enjoyed this conversation, and hope that you do too.

I have to apologize for the lateness of this episode, essentially missing a week, as it became obvious that my web server was no longer keeping up with the web site, and the next level of server with my old provider was too expensive, so after ten years, I spend the last week migrating to a new server in a different company, and then all the fine tuning to that has been necessary to get things running again has taken me the entire week. If you came by and saw everything in a mess, or completely down, sorry about that, but the new site should be better and faster, and ready to take us to the next level, so I think it was worth it.

Conversation with Ibarionex Perello

We didn’t have a script, as this was simply an impromptu conversation, so you’ll have to listen with the audio player above or via our Podcast feed to actually hear what we talked about, but here are some of the key points, in the form of notes that I made as I relistened, preparing the episode for release.

Both veteran Podcasters, with our shows now being around 14 years old, we started with a discussion of how we got started and how Podcasting has enabled us as photographers and creatives. This has opened doors for both of us, and thankfully we both stil thoroughly enjoy doing this.

Ibarionex also recalls how he struggled to overcome a stutter as a kid, and I note how I similarly have times when my voice “drops out”, possibly related to what should have been a stutter, and we can both get ahead of ourselves as our mind work faster than our mouths. I also am starting to believe that I am probably dislexic to a degree, and Ibarionex has also been diagnosed as having ADHD, which I’m sure I have too, and sharing notes with Ibarionex certainly helps to put things into perspective.

Ibarionex Perello's Making Photographs
Ibarionex Perello’s Making Photographs

Making Photographs

Developing a Personal Visual Workflow

Ibarionex has just released a new book, Making Photographs – Developing a Personal Visual Workflow, and we talk about Ibarionex’s goals in writing this book, and go into depth on our own workflows, and how we see and react to the world, and our photography experiences. You can pick up Making Photographs from Rocky Nook here and use the promo code PERELLO40 for a 40% discount!

We also get into the frustration that can often set in as we develop as photographers, and how we overcome that by developing a solid shooting workflow, and building experience in our craft which leads on to my take on originality, as I discussed in my post “Be a Creator Not a Collector of Photographs“. Ibarionex accepts that he isn’t going to come away from every location with a definitive image, but challenging himself to move past his comfort zone and taking risks is more important.

Nikon Days

Ibarionex gained a lot of experience and started his 25 year body of work from Los Angeles during his days working at Nikon, when he was encouraged to grab a slab of film and go out and shoot as part of his job! He recently went back through his slides from these days and was happy to see that he was creating quality work even in his early days.

New Opportunities

Ibarionex also talks about how new opportunities are now presenting themselves to him as his mother-in-law has moved in with him, and this has led to photographing familes in their homes. He also encourages people to photograph more in their homes and immediate vicinity.

Ibarionex’s Work

You can see some beautiful and compelling images that Ibarionex was kind enough to send me for this post in the below gallery. These are also available in high-resolution in the Member’s eBook that I created for this post as part of the MBP Pro Membership subscription.


You can catch up with Ibarionex via his awesome podcast The Candid Frame here: http://thecandidframe.com/

And the Tokyo Tour and Workshop that Ibarionex will be doing with George Nobechi can be found here.

Ibarionex Perello

Ibarionex Perello is a photographer, writer and educator who has been involved in the photo industry for over 25 years. He is also the host of The Candid Frame, a popular photography podcast which features conversations with the world’s best emerging and established photographers. He has authored several books on the subject of photography with his latest being Making Photographs: Developing a Personal Visual Workflow. He lives in the Los Angeles area with his wife and their dog, Zooey. 

Show Notes

Pick up Ibarionex’s vastest booking Making Photographs – Developing a Personal Visual Workflow here.

Ibarionex’s Tokyo Tour with George Nobechi can be found here: https://www.nobechicreative.com/tokyo-explorations-in-the-metropolis-with-ibarionex-perello-and-george-nobechi

Music by Martin Bailey


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  1. Joel Charbonnet

    Another great podcast Martin. I really enjoyed this one, I listen to it multiple times, it was a very relaxing informative conversation. I felt as if I was sitting at a coffee shop with you and Ibarionex, the only problem was I couldn’t participate in the conversation. 😊 As a result of this podcast, I purchased the print and ebook from rocknook.com using the Perello40 discount code. I plan on listening to the other conversations you’ve had with Ibarionex. Thanks for the great podcasts, looking forward to the next one.

    • Martin Bailey

      Thanks Joel!

      I’m pleased you enjoyed this and hope you enjoy our other conversations. The book too of course!

      All the best.


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