Rick Andrews – Tour Participant Feature (Podcast 467)

by | Apr 13, 2015 | Interview, Podcast, Workshops | 9 comments

Today I feature Rick Andrews, a wildlife photographer from Alberta, Canada, who joined the first of my two Japan Winter Wildlife Tours for 2015.

I always do my tour updates with my own photography, but I thought it would make a nice change to see the tour from a participants perspective. Rick and I had discussed how photographers market tours with their best images from multiple tours, but as Rick says towards the end of our discussion, this is a great way to see what is possible from one tour, and what is essentially for many, the first chance to shoot in the locations visited.

Rick also gives me a wonderful endorsement at the end, for which I’m humbly grateful. I would also like to point out too that although our 2016 Winter Wonderland Tours are sold out, we do maintain a cancellation list, and are often able to bring people onboard through cancellations, so drop me a line and let me know if you’d like to be added to the list.

Of course, these tours are a yearly event, so there is always 2017 or later too, and I have a bunch of other tours throughout the year, and you can find details of all of these on our Tours & Workshops page.

If you’d like to check out Rick’s beautiful work, you can find him at www.rickandrewsphotography.com.

Here is the video, and below that are the 24 images that Rick showed us from the trip.

Here are Rick’s photos. Click on a thumbnail to start to browse.

Show Notes

Rick’s Web site: www.rickandrewsphotography.com

MBP Tours & Workshops


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  1. Debra S Wallace

    Wonderful to see you both. Rick I have to agree with Martin that you were a bit modest. Terrific collection of images and thank you so much for sharing them. And I have to agree with Rick that the trip was excellent. Hopefully I’ll have an opportunity to travel with you both again at sometime in the future.

    • Martin Bailey

      Wonderful to see you here too Debra! This was a lot of fun, and something I’m really happy to start doing.

      I hope to travel with you again at some point too.

    • Rick Andrews

      Thanks Debra! and yes hope to travel with you both again too.

  2. Lynne Bergbreiter

    What a treat to relive our trip. I enjoy listening to another photographer’s thoughts on his photographs. My favorite was the stag on the seashore because as Rick said, it’s not something we are accustomed to seeing. Thanks for sharing. I look forward to traveling again with Martin.

    • Martin Bailey

      I look forward to traveling with you again too Lynne! Thanks for stopping by. I’m pleased you enjoyed this.

    • Rick Andrews

      Thanks Lynne, glad you enjoyed my shots and perhaps through them got to relive your trip.

  3. Janice McKenna

    Great to see your images Rick :), and yes you are way too modest. Stood beside you on the last day on the boat so have some similar shots, which is very cool. I learnt so much on the trip, thanks to Martin, and also everyone else who was willing to share.

    I am going to repeat what everyone else has said, but the trip was awesome, I had never been on a trip overseas like this before, so the bar has been set very high for any others I may do.

    The Landscape trip to Hokkaido is on my list for the future, so who knows, may meet some of you on that :).

    • Martin Bailey

      Great to see you here too Janice! I’m pleased you learned plenty and enjoyed the trip too.

      You’d love the Hokkaido Landscape tour. It’s a slightly steadier pace, but a lot of fun, with great results.

    • Rick Andrews

      Hi Jan, and thanks, but modest or not it seems that you got similar shots to me so I think everyone came away with some very good shots from the workshop. Hope to shoot with you again sometime.


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