Saying Hi from Hokkaido (Podcast 456)

by | Jan 14, 2015 | Announcement, Podcast, Workshops | 8 comments

With a few minutes in my hotel room before dinner, I figured I’d just record a quick message to say hi from Hokkaido on day eight of our first landscape only photography adventure. To hear my message listen with the below audio player, and here are the selection of photos that I mention. I hope you enjoy them.

I have updated the 2016 tour page too. There may be a few tweaks based on experience from last four days of the tour, but it will go ahead so if you’d like to join us please sign-up here to secure your place.

My Tree
My Tree
Biei Trees in Snow Storm
Biei Trees in Snow Storm
Biei Trees in Snow Storm
Biei Trees in Snow Storm
Takushinkan Trees in Snow
Takushinkan Trees in Snow
Hanazono Tree with Fence Posts
Hanazono Tree with Fence Posts
Tetrapods Near and Far
Tetrapods Near and Far
Obira Tetrapods
Obira Tetrapods
Tetrapods and Rock
Tetrapods and Rock
Golf Balls and Tetrapods #2
Golf Balls and Tetrapods #2
Fish Drying Frames #2
Fish Drying Frames #2
Driftwood on Snowy Beach
Driftwood on Snowy Beach
Wakasakanai Fishing Boats
Wakasakanai Fishing Boats
Wakasakanai Fishing Boats
Wakasakanai Fishing Boats
Souya Fishing Boats
Souya Fishing Boats
Souya Harbour Boats on a Sea of Snow
Souya Harbour Boats on a Sea of Snow
Hokkaido Landscape Photography Adventure 2016
Click for Details

Show Notes

2016 Hokkaido Landscape Photography Adventure:

Martin on Instagram:

Music by Martin Bailey


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In addition to the amazing content already available, Martin will be writing for the Journal of Wildlife Photography in the coming months. Stay tuned!


  1. justin

    I really enjoyed these new photographs and have been increasingly happy that I found your Podcast. Your black and white photos are so dynamic. I really need to invest in the Nik software and a good ND filter.

    • Martin Bailey

      Thanks Justin! I’m pleased you enjoyed these, and are enjoying the Podcast.

  2. Fabian

    Beautiful ethereal pictures, and so different to those from our tour to Hokkaido in 2010. Makes me wanting to join you again. Hope you and everybody on the tour continues to enjoy Hokkaido winter.

    • Martin Bailey

      Thanks Fabian, yes, these locations offer very different opportunities, focusing on landscape photography, much closer to our Iceland experience than the Japan wildlife tour. This will probably become a yearly tour from this year, so it would be great to see you on a future tour!

  3. Darren Turner

    Stunning photos Martin so atmospheric. At a push I think my favorite is ‘Tetrapods Near and Far’. The water as a surreal mist encircling those hard lined geometric shapes is beautiful. Thank you for sharing your art, it is very much appreciated. It does inspire me to push my photography.

    • Martin Bailey

      Thanks Darren! I’m pleased you like this work, and you are absolutely welcome on the sharing of my work. Thank you for coming by to check it out! 🙂

  4. hydrogen3

    Wow. You really packed a lot into a very brief interval in your day. I think I’d have taken advantage of the opportunity to put my feet up for a moment, so I’m particularly grateful that you chose to share some of your photos with us instead. These monochromes are really striking and beautiful. Thank you for sharing them and for the time you spend on this podcast. I know it’s no small feat.

    • Martin Bailey

      Thanks Hydrogen3! I’m pleased you enjoyed these.
      You know, quite often while on these tours, I’m so tired, if I stop for a few minutes, it’s worse than just working straight through, and this may well have been one of those times. 🙂


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Wakasakanai Fishing Boats
My Tree
Biei Trees in Snow Storm
Biei Trees in Snow Storm
Takushinkan Trees in Snow
Hanazono Tree with Fence Posts
Tetrapods Near and Far
Obira Tetrapods
Tetrapods and Rock
Golf Balls and Tetrapods #2
Fish Drying Frames #2
Driftwood on Snowy Beach
Wakasakanai Fishing Boats
Wakasakanai Fishing Boats
Souya Fishing Boats
Souya Harbour Boats on a Sea of Snow
Hokkaido Landscape Photography Adventure 2016