PHOTOGRAPH, The Print and the Process, and Hokkaido, with David duChemin (Podcast 353)

by | Nov 2, 2012 | Art Talk, Interview, Musings, Podcast | 0 comments

After a five week hiatus, I’m finally back on the air, for one or two episodes anyway. As you know I’ve been traveling with my Pixels 2 Pigment tour, and although I was able to push out a couple of episodes while on the road, things were really too hectic, and my mic quality too poor, to do much more than I did.

Still, with a week at home before I travel to Antarctica for six weeks, and then another private tour in Japan taking me to the end of the year, I thought it was about time I got another episode out. I will try my hardest to push out one more before I leave too, but that really will be it for the rest of the year. Please don’t delete that subscription though, because I will be back, I promise, and I’ll be trying to make up for this light end to 2012 with more than one Podcast a week for a while next year. I am still committed to releasing 50 episodes per year. Nothing has changed there.

This morning I sat down for a very casual chat with David duChemin, for this week’s episode. As you know, David is a best selling author, about to release his fifth physical book The Print and the Process and he has also just launched an incredible new quarterly eMagazine called PHOTOGRAPH, which is full of features and articles from an amazing line-up of photographers, which I too am honored and humbled to be a part of.

Click for Details

The Print and the Process

I also recalled some of the important lesson’s that I got from Brian Tracy’s Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time. It certainly helped me to make the most of my time.

We then go on to talk about David joining me and the group in Japan next February for the Snow Monkey & Hokkaido tour. We currently have one open slot, due to a cancellation, so do take a look if you’d like to join us for the Winter Wildlife Wonderland Tour and Workshop!

Snow Monkeys & Hokkaido Tour and Workshop

I’m also proud to have a new sponsor on board for some of these Podcast episodes moving forward! Squarspace

Visit and use the code MBP11 for a free trial and 10% off new accounts.

Anyway, because this was an ad-lib chat, there is no manuscript today, but you can listen with the player at the top of the post, or download the audio files with the links below, or subscribe in iTunes for Enhanced Podcasts delivered automatically to your computer.

Show Notes

By issue one of PHOTOGRAPH here:

Or subscribe to the first year here:

Snow Monkey & Hokkaido Tour details:

For 10% off and a free trial, visit:

Music by UniqueTracks


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In addition to the amazing content already available, Martin will be writing for the Journal of Wildlife Photography in the coming months. Stay tuned!


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