Podcast 299 : Alternatives to DSLR Cameras (Google+ Hangout)

by | Sep 23, 2011 | Gear, Podcast, Videos | 1 comment

Having figured out how to record a Google+ Hangout last week, today I held another Hangout, which I was able to successfully record, and although we took a while to really get started, I figured we discussed enough relatively interesting stuff to put this out there.

Thanks to those who joined and made it work!

We discuss:

Camping, while sleeping in a hammock! Also getting around in the great American West
Alternatives to the DSLR, especially for street photography
The iPhone as a “serious” camera
Retro and four-thirds type, mirrorless cameras

Don’t forget to hit the full-screen button Full-Screen Button in the video window to go, erm, full-screen.

Some of the Cameras Mentioned

Nikon 1: https://mbp.ac/nikon1

Sony NEX: https://mbp.ac/sonynex

Olympus E-P2: https://mbp.ac/olympusep2

Panasonic GF1: https://mbp.ac/panasonicgf1

And, if I started doing like 500 times more street photography than I do now, and actually made money from it, I personally would love a Leica M9: https://mbp.ac/leicam9


Jonathan Liles: http://blog.nevermindhim.com

Ibarionex Perello: http://www.thecandidframe.com/

Jason Parker: https://plus.google.com/u/0/116277430152888225999

Jeffrey Yen: http://www.cranialaperture.com/

Jarvie: http://www.jarviedigital.com/+ [link no longer valid]

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1 Comment

  1. David Hufford

    Wow. Interesting discussion.

    Wish I had joined, at least as a recent purchaser of an Oly e-p3 as a new mainstay for street photography. Now I’ll have to finally get on google+.


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