Podcast 287 : Antarctica, the Falklands and Patagonia Slideshow (Video)

by | May 18, 2011 | Podcast, Videos, Workshops | 11 comments

Here’s a video slideshow of most of the photographs from my recent Photography Expedition to Antarctica, the Falkland Islands and Patagonia.

I will be doing a series of Podcast episodes on the expedition in the coming weeks, but I thought I’d get the photos into the feed now, as they are already available. I’ll relay our experiences and talk in detail about a selection of images in the Podcast as we progress.

You can also view the embedded video right here on your iPad, thanks to Vimeo!

Don’t forget to hit the full-screen button Full-Screen Button in the video window to view the video, erm, full-screen.

Note that there is an iPod/iPhone version of this video in iTunes, which is good for portability, but if you’re watching on a computer, the video above is better.


The music in the video is “Swarm” by Charlie McMahon & Gondwana. Used with kind permission from Sound Foundation. Thank you!

Get “Swarm” or other tracks from the album Travelling here: http://www.soundfoundation.com.au/artists/gondwana/travelling/

See Travelling and other Gondwana albums here: http://www.soundfoundation.com.au/artists/gondwana/

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In addition to the amazing content already available, Martin will be writing for the Journal of Wildlife Photography in the coming months. Stay tuned!


  1. Jan Nargar

    You have captured the spirit of the places beautifully. I felt like I was back there!

  2. Martin Bailey

    Hi Jan!

    Nice to hear from you!

    Thanks for the kind words. I’m pleased I was able to transport you back there. Didn’t we just have a great time!?

    All the best.


  3. Doug


    It looks like you amassed quite a nice body of work on that trip. Congratulations. There are some very compelling images in there, but taken together as in your slide show, the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.


  4. Mark Woodworth

    Awesome, Martin!
    Looks as if you were transported to another world. A trip of a lifetime. Many shots are stunning. I can not wait to hear the podcast of your trip. Congratulations!

  5. Martin Bailey

    Thanks Mark!

    I wish we’d been teleported down there to be honest. Unfortunately, it takes three days to get across the Drake Passage, and that’s not nice. I’m pleased that I experienced it, and I’ll do it again, but it’s, well, character building, at best. 🙂


  6. Brad Striebig

    Hello Martin,

    So glad you had a marvelous trip. I’m looking forward to hearing all the details.

    Amazing shots. The exposure on the white on white landscapes looks tricky, to say the least, the slight color tones are wonderful in those images. The panoramic shots were a great way to introduce and express the scope of your trip. The whole family loved the penguin shots an the actions and personality you captured.

    Hope you are well and things are getting back to (a new) normal in Japan.


  7. Martin Bailey

    Thanks Brad!

    I’m pleased you enjoyed the shots from Antarctica. Exposure wasn’t tricky, as I always just expose to the right of the histogram anyway, sometimes pushing it up to the right shoulder on purpose, but pretty much always in control.

    I’m pleased your family liked the penguin shots as well. Penguins are always fun to look at. 🙂

    It’s taking time to get back to that new normal here, but apart from gross dissatisfaction with our imbecilic government and their bickering, life for us is pretty much back to normal. There are so many people that still need help though, but the government are now putting way too much energy into fighting with each other, like they did before the quake, but worse now.


  8. ROB

    Martin – friends are looking at doing this trip so of cause I immediately sent them here and the MBP Workshops page. Unless I am mistaken, there was not a follow-up podcast from the slideshow.

    Appreciate things took a massive diversion in your life not long after…maybe if you ever are seeking podcast material, I for one would sure love to hear move of the voyage and photographic experience there.

    Regards, Rob

    • Martin Bailey

      Hi Rob,

      Thanks for recommending this page to your friends. If your friends haven’t already booked, please point out the new deadlines for booking that we put in place recently. Details are here (though this is probably where you already sent them! 🙂

      On the follow up, you’re right, I didn’t do anything yet. I have a lengthy log from each day, and intend to get to it at some point, but have been too busy so far. hopefully soon!


  9. Thomas

    You’ve brought back some beautiful images, Martin. The kind that make me longing for travels. _Le_ sigh…


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