The Pink Flamingo’s Stare (Podcast 1)

by | Sep 1, 2005 | Art Talk, Fundamentals, Podcast | 0 comments

From the Archives…

I’m going to gradually import the old Podcast archives to the blog, as I think this is a better format than the current Podcasts page. I can publish the original manuscript when available, and this gives me the freedom to delete the old images from my gallery too. I cringe when I listen to these first few year’s of Podcasts now, but they’re part of our history.

Unfortunately, there was no manuscript for the first episode, and this was before I bought a decent mic so the audio quality is quite poor. It was a historical episode though, so here goes…

The Pink Flamingo's Stare [C]
The Pink Flamingo’s Stare (Captive)

Show Notes

The Music is copyright of William Cushman © 2005 – used with kind permission.


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