Today we're going to look at a new service for selling fine art prints, called Art Storefronts. Art Storefronts have built a ground-breaking system that enables you to set up a store and sell either self-fulfilled print orders, or have the prints created by Art...
fine art prints
Podcast 280 : Japan Quake Update – Prints for Japan Project
I'm back home in Tokyo, after a month at sea, voyaging to the Antarctic, the Falkland Islands and Patagonia. It's been over a month since the last episode, which I released literally as my studio started to shake in that terrible quake that devastated much of Northern...
Podcast 266 : Signing Fine Art Prints and Canvases
Many times I've been asked how I sign my fine art prints, and having received an email recently from listener Tanya Mattson from Pennsylvania, USA, I decided to go into a little bit of detail on this in today's episode. Apparently Tanya and her husband had watched the...
Podcast 257 : Making a Gallery Wrap
Here's a video for this week's Podcast in which I show you how to make a gallery wrap with the Hahnemühle Pro Gallerie Wrap System. NOTE: You can now view the embedded video on your iPad, thanks to a recent Vimeo update! By the way, I didn't...
WebSpy and MBP Photography Assignment Prizes!
WebSpy, sponsors of the Martin Bailey Photography Podcast, have for a third time kindly set aside funds for us to offer some amazing prizes for the participant with the most accumulated votes after the next six month's worth of monthly assignments, from June to...
Podcast 204 : Q&A #11 – Signing Images and Fine Art Prints
Last week I did my first Q&A podcast for a year, and actually had started out planning to answer questions from two listeners, but spent so much time answering the first question, I postponed today's answer by a week. It's great to get into these listener's...