Martin BaileyPhotography PodcastYour weekly Photography Inspiration
The Martin Bailey Photography Podcast
One of the longest-running, The Martin Bailey Photography Podcast provides education and inspiration by covering a mix of art, creativity and technical topics, interviews, gear reviews and travelogue style episodes.
All Podcast episodes are available as blog posts with an audio player and images embedded or an embedded video player.
Most of the episodes from 40 to 630 were Enhanced Podcasts, so if you listen in iTunes or on an iOS device the images being referenced will be displayed automatically as we progress. We’re gradually reprocessing the archives, so as of Sept 2019 everything from Episode 590 is now in MP3 format with Chapter information, which also displays the images as we progress in many audio players, include Android. For details see our page on how to view the images in the Podcast.
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Got a Photography Question?
Use the recorder below to record a question that you’d like Martin to answer on the podcast. Leave your name and where you live, and feel free to tell us about yourself and mention your own website too! You have up to five minutes for your message.
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Index - Latest 10 Episodes
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Latest 10 Episodes
#845 : A Conversation with Stormchaser David Lee (Chapters)
During my Hokkaido Winter Landscape Adventure, I recorded a conversation with an old friend, David Lee, and reminisced about how we met and discussed his new passion for storm chasing.
Today, I'll walk you through the first few weeks of my 2024 Complete Namibia Tour. Next, we'll round it off with three days in the Etosha National Park.