High Resolution Desktop Wallpaper

MBP High Resolution Desktop Wallpaper

Introducing Martin Bailey Photography High-Resolution Desktop Wallpaper!

This is something that we’ve wanted to put together for a while, as we often receive requests to provide high-resolution images for desktop wallpaper. Now you can buy a selection of my images individually for just $3 each, or in multi-packs, each with a number of free images thrown in for good measure.

I’ve decided to go all out on resolution, sizing the files at 2,560 pixels wide, which is the same resolution as a 27″ iMac screen, so your desktop wallpaper will look beautiful on any sized monitor, including Retina displays. You can also use these images as the background for an iPad or other mobile devices.

Each product has with it a sample display mockup or two, and an image showing all of the images in the collection for the multi-packs. Click on the images to view them larger and see what you’ll receive.

Floral Fancies Wallpaper Package ContentsThese are the images contained in the Floral Fancies multi-pack…


And these are the images from the Japan Winter Scenes multi-pack…

Japan Winter Scenes Wallpaper Package

Claim Your Free Wallpaper!

To celebrate, we’ve also produced a pack of 12 high-resolution wallpaper files that we’re giving away, absolutely free!

You can add our free wallpaper to your cart free of charge when you buy one of the other packs, or visit this page to claim your wallpaper without a purchase.

User License Agreement

Each download contains a text file with the User License Agreement details included, but basically, here it is:

The photographs in this desktop wallpaper package are copyrighted to Martin Bailey, Martin Bailey Photography K.K.

They are made available in this form for personal, non-commercial use only. You may NOT use these images or any variation of these images for any purpose other than as the desktop background for a personal computer, iPad or other hand-held portable device.

You may use these images as the desktop background on any number of devices owned or used by you (or shared with your immediate family) for non-commercial purposes.

You may not gift or otherwise make this wallpaper package or any individual photograph within the package available to anyone else. Please forward a link to this page instead or our Free Desktop Wallpaper page instead.

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MBP High Resolution Desktop Wallpaper
Floral Fancies Wallpaper Package Contents
Japan Winter Scenes Wallpaper Package