Assignment #13 – Nostalgia (Podcast 124)

by | Feb 4, 2008 | Art Talk, Assignment, Podcast | 0 comments

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Hi Everyone. I’ve been back from the Hokkaido workshop for four days now, and just about sorted through my own photos from the trip, but I’ve gone and caught a bit of a cold, so tonight I’m just going to do a quick Podcast to announce the winners of the Long Exposure Assignment and the Grand Prize winner, who receives a copy of DxO Optics Pro and the Film Pack from DxO labs. I will also announce the theme for the next assignment once we get all the festivities finished

I usually prepare my comments before recording, but today I really just don’t have the energy for that, so I’m going to do much of this ad-hoc, so please bear with me.

In third place is Bill Cady, username bill55434, with “Holiday Train” which is image m7864.

Holiday Train

Holiday Train

In second place is Rod O’Doherty, username rodoherty, with “Dune-dream”, which is image m7770.



Sparks From Cold Steel On Hot Iron

Sparks From Cold Steel On Hot Iron

In first place is Colin Pearson, username KolinP, with “Sparks From Cold Steel On Hot Iron” which is image m7844.

So, Colin, I’ll be sending you a print of the image of your choice on the paper of your choice from my online gallery at I’ll mail you shortly to let you know how to let me know which image you want and your postal details etc. Congratulations once again!

I have updated the Scores page which you can find linked near the bottom of the Gallery menu on Also, if you check that page you will see that it was a very close contest for the yearly prize which we are closing with this Assignment. In fifth, fourth and third place we have Landon, Holly and Forrest, for their steady high quality entries. In second place we had Super Digital Girl which is Leslie Granda Hill, who was just one vote away from drawing with our first place Grand Prize winner. Remember, the grand prize for this year has been kindly donated by DxO Labs, and here is a quick message from DxO before I announce who will actually scoop the prize.

DxO Optics Pro sets the standard for automatic correction of your digital images. Based on extensive analysis of cameras and lenses, this award-winning software enables photographers to improve hundreds of images very quickly, saving time and providing spectacular results. Version 5 of DxO Optics Pro runs on Mac and Windows. Version5 which has only just been released incorporates a new generation RAW converter providing more details, and less noise artefacts, for a new level of image quality.

So here we go. It gives me great pleasure to announce the winner who will receive a copy of DxO Optics Pro and the Film Pack. The winner is Rod O’Doherty. Congratulations Rod. I’ll be in touch later on today to see where you want to have the Software sent. I have your address of course, as I sent you a print for winning the Documentary/Photojournalism Assignment, but I figured I’d better check. Anyway, congratulations again!

So, moving on, I want to quickly announce the next Assignment theme and outline the dates for the next Assignment, which is on Nostalgia. Thanks to ARMistice or Aaron from the forum for the idea. Now, Aaron started out talking about this as being more specifically American nostalgia from the late 40’s to early 60’s. However, it is one of my aims not to limit the theme of the Assignments to something that only a certain subset listeners can get access too. So, what I want to do is open this up for anything that you find nostalgic from your own country or culture or from the country or culture in which you are currently immersed. I’m sure we all have something that we can shoot for this, so the subject is going to be relatively easy. This means that you are going to have to get really experimental and artistic in the way you shoot for this Assignment. Many will probably try to convert to black and white. If you do, make sure it’s done well, as you’ll probably be up against a few other black and white shots. Either way, your peers will let you know if what you tried was good, or not so good. I’m not going to throw out any more ideas than that for now, as I need to hit the sack before I pass out!

So that’s it for today. A really quick one, for which I apologise, but please understand I’m a bit worn out from all the excitement of the last week. Hopefully next week we’ll start to look at some of my images from the Workshop that I shot in between talking with the other participants. So with that, all that remains to be said is thanks for listening, and you have a great week, whatever you’re doing — Bye-bye.

Show Notes


Note: Due to site changes, the scores pages and forum are no longer available.

The music in this episode is from the PodShow Podsafe Music Network at


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