Includes the 1Ds Mark III, 1D Mark IV, 14mm f2.8L, 16-35mm f2.8L, 24-70mm f2.8L, 100mm Macro IS L, 1.4x Extender, 12mm and 25mm Extension tubes, 70-200mm f2.8 L, 300mm f2.8 L and 600mm f4 L lens, a Lensbaby Composer and RÃDE Video Mic.
Includes the 1Ds Mark III, 1D Mark IV, 14mm f2.8L, 16-35mm f2.8L, 24-70mm f2.8L, 100mm Macro IS L, 1.4x Extender, 12mm and 25mm Extension tubes, 70-200mm f2.8 L, 300mm f2.8 L and 600mm f4 L lens, a Lensbaby Composer and RÃDE Video Mic.